Monday 28 March 2011

Oxfam August Report and Fund Request

This document is a report for Oxfam’s operations, costs and achievements for the month of July (review and info not included in past report) and August 2011.
July : Oxfam operations in the month of July were as follows (in USD):
Monthly cost
Ops. costs
113, 035
Camp 8
6, 767
24, 650
West Beta
Under construction

144, 452


Note: To respond to the crises in Southern Brynania, Oxfam has also been able to deploy in South Alpha in the second part of the month of July (thus the information did not appear in our July 16th report). Our organization was able to build an emergency infrastructure and delivered up to USD 25,000 last month. Adding 2090 people to the total list of beneficiaries of Oxfam activities in the month of July.

August : Oxfam current operations in the month of July are as follows (in USD):
Monthly cost
Ops. costs
West Beta
60,000 (upgrade)
South Alpha
20, 000 (upgrade)


Note: Oxfam is proud to declare that its presence in Camp 8 had succeeded into providing emergency relief and improving the living conditions in that area. In order to provide to the 2 million people dying of famine and disease in Southern Brynania, Oxfam has cut its programs from Camp 8 where the conditions on the ground were reported to be excellent.
It is costing Oxfam USD 360,000 just to maintain its present operations in West Beta, South Alpha, Mcgilldishu and Biku.
These operations will not be able to be sustained next month if our organization is not supported. If Oxfam fails to receive funds, it will have to withdraw for these crucial areas.

--Mcgilldishu: Because conditions are still serious in Mcgilldishu and thanks to support from NORAD AND CIDA, Oxfam has extended and expanded its commitment to this site and is running its operations for a total cost of USD 70,000 in August (including $10,000 of maintenance costs).
-       Thanks to our dear contributor CIDA, Oxfam is running its 2 Medical Emergency Centers for USD 25,000 worth of medical aid 
o   USD 10,000 for the war wounded (USD 20.00 per survivor) = 500 saved war wounded Brynanians.
o   USD 10,000 for other emergency operations (USD 10 per person) = 1,000 people supplied with first aid care provided.
o   USD 5, 000 on emergency health kits for children specifically (USD 25.00 for 300 children) = 60,000 children are provided with emergency health supplies.
-       Oxfam is spending USD 30,000 on its 2 mobile health units. Thanks to CIDA and NORAD, Oxfam can cover the
o   1 mobile health unit targets emergency situations to respond the high level of violence in the city.
§  USD 6,000 for war wounded (USD 20.00 per survivor) = 300 saved war wounded Brynanians.
§  USD 2,000 on basic first aid care (USD 10.00 per person)  = 2,000 adults provided with basic first aid care
§  USD 2,000 on emergency health kits for children (USD 25.000 for 300 children) = 48,000 children are being provided with emergency health supplies.
o   The 2nd unit delivers vaccination and runs outreach educational programs.
§  USD 11,500 is spent on children vaccination (USD 10 for a kit per children) = 1150 children immunized with major vaccines.
§  USD 8,500 on the rest of the adult population (USD 15 for a kit per person) = 567 Brynanians immunized with major vaccines.
-       Also thanks to CIDA donations, Oxfam is currently spending USD 5, 000 on delivering food in 2 small distribution centers. USD 3,000 is spent on delivering food to adults (USD 20 per adult per month) while USD 2,000 is specifically being spent on children (USD 10 per child per month)= Oxfam is supplying 150 adults and 200 children with highly nutritious food for a duration of 31 days.
In July 2011, Oxfam has provided relief services and aid supplies to 113, 517 people in Mcgilldishu.
Oxfam would be delivering up to USD 100, 000 worth of aid in Mcgilldishu. Please help us reach our top capacity! Oxfam’s presence is dependent on your donations.

--Biku: Due to the moderate and stabilizing conditions in Biku, Oxfam has reduced its program in this area for the month of August. This is also a consequence of refocusing our aid efforts that remain severe, such as South Alpha and West Beta, where the emergency needs are critical for the combined population of 2.6 million people.
PLEASE NOTE: That the continuation of Oxfam’s aid provision in Biku this month is only possible due to the generous donation of USD 10,000 from Yasmeen Gholmieh from July, 2011. We are deeply grateful for this donation.
Oxfam’s projects in Biku will be delivering USD 5,000 of aid in August.
-       USD 3,500 is being spent on medical supplies in the emergency care clinic. This provides USD 1,500 worth of emergency health care ($25 for 300 children)= 18,000 children provided with emergency health care and amount of USD 1,000 on adult first aid care (USD 10 per person)= 100 adults provided with first aid care.
-       Oxfam is delivering USD 1,500 of emergency food packages (plumpynut = $12 per person for a month)=125 people a diet rich in protein and nutrients for the month of August.
In August 2011, Oxfam has provided medical services and food supplies to 19, 125 adults and children in Biku.
If Oxfam is to increase its aid provision in Biku it requests a donation of USD 60,000 in order to provide aid provision to the total cost of USD 25,000 per month, as well as USD 5,000 maintenance cost for the infrastructure per month.
Oxfam’s continued work in Biku is dependent on receiving these funds.
Due to the ongoing demands in other areas of Brynania, Oxfam is uncertain as to whether it may continue to improve the conditions in Biku.

--West Beta: In the month of August Oxfam was looking to establish a small infrastructure (cost: USD 10,000, capable of delivering USD 25,000 in aid) this month. However, in response to the serious needs of the population in this area, and due to a generous donation from CIDA, we are making an emergency upgrade to a medium infrastructure this month, effective immediately. The cost of this very needed emergency upgrade in order to deliver USD 100,000 was USD 60,000; for a total of USD 160,000.
Later this month, Oxfam will review the conditions for upgrading once more to a large infrastructure next month, in September (USD 20,000 and maintenance: USD 20,000), which will have the capacity to delivery up to USD 400,000. Whether our infrastructure remains at a medium size or is upgraded will be decided based on the ongoing needs of the 1.5M people in this area.
We have also had to make a number of changes to our projected priorities in this area in response to the chronic malnutrition and food shortages facing the population.
PLEASE NOTE: Oxfam’s work in West Beta would not be possible without the generous donation from CIDA. We wish to make a special thank you to our partners at CIDA for making it possible for Oxfam to expand our program into this region.
-       Oxfam is delivering USD 60,000 of emergency food packages (plumpynut = $12 per person for a month). This will feed 5,000 people per month a diet rich in protein and nutrients.
-       USD 15,000 in Water Purification Tablets ($250 = 10 families for four months). This will provide safe drinking water for 60 families, average. 240 people for four months.
-       USD 15,000 in Oral Rehydration Salts ($150 = 2,500 packages. 1 package per person per day). This will reach 150,000 people over the month of August, seriously impeding the deaths accountable to water-borne diseases and dehydration.
-       USD 10,000 in establishing latrines ($25 each = six people). This will provide 400 latrines; a safe waste disposal area of 2,400 people. Each month of our program we will provide more latrines to service the population in this area.
In August 2011, Oxfam has provided emergency food, water purification tablets, ORS and latrines to 157,640 people in West Beta.
Oxfam needs your funds to sustain these programs and to cover the extra expenses it had this month to respond to the humanitarian crisis in West Beta.
Please give Oxfam your support so it can continue delivering the much-needed relief in this site.

--South Alpha (NEW): Conditions in South Alpha are terrible and it has been reported that the rate of death among the youngest and oldest in particular are over 10,000 per month. Moreover there are no local health services, cholera ant TB epidemic and all infrastructures have been destroyed by the war.
Oxfam is committed to reaching out to this area and providing 1,100,000 people with the relief they desperately need. Oxfam has arranged to be escorted and led through the minefield and the organization has arrived at the end of July. This month Oxfam is giving out USD 100,000 worth of food in South Alpha.
USD 120,000 are needed each monthly to sustain these greatly needed activities. WITHOUT YOUR HELP OXFAM WILL NOT BE ABLE TO STAY IN SOUTH ALPHA AFTER THIS MONTH (AUGUST).
-       USD 100,000 is currently being spent on delivering plumpy’nup in 2 delivery food centers: USD 12 per person per month= in total 8, 332  children and adults are being provided with this highly nutritious food for 31 days.
In July 2011, Oxfam has provided food supplies to 8,332 adults and children in South Alpha in July.
These programs are targeted at relieving EMERGENCY NEEDS but the region is crippled with other socio-political problems such as a complete lack of education programs and schools as well as crime and child soldiers that ONLY LONGER-TERM PROGRAMS CAN ALLEVIATE. OXFAM IS COMMITTED TO BRINGING LONGER-TERM APPEASEMENT TO THAT REGION. IT IS CURRENTLY WORKING ON LONG-TERM PROJECTS IN WEST-BETA AND CAN SUCCESSFULLY RUN SIMILAR PROGRAMS IN SOUTH ALPHA IF FUNDS ARE RECEIVED.
Oxfam will need USD 20,000 to extend its presence in the country and another USD 100,000 to sustain its operations= USD 120,000 are needed each monthly to sustain these greatly needed activities.
Oxfam will also need another USD 200,000 to fund long-term programs.

It is costing Oxfam USD 360,000 monthly just to maintain its present operations in West Beta, South Alpha, Mcgilldishu and Biku.
Oxfam is thankful to its current donators. But our organization is requesting on-going and continuous donations from the donor community. Oxfam will provide monthly report to your agency about our expenses and the achievements made thanks to you.
Oxfam operations will not be sustained next month if our organization is not supported. If Oxfam fails to receive funds, it will have to withdraw for these crucial areas.


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