Friday 25 March 2011

Press Release: Oxfam facing success in current activities and intending to expand

Official Press Release
Subject: Oxfam facing success in current activities and intending to expand
Date: May 12th 2011

Thanks to generous contributions of international aid agencies such as the European Commission as well as the Agence Française de Developpement, Oxfam has been able to deliver 200,000 dollars worth of aid in Brynania since the end of the last month. Oxfam wants to double its capacity by the end of May, providing much more people with the emergency relief they are desperate for as well as delivering these supplies more equally.

***Oxfam needs your funds to implement its new programs!***

Mcgilldishu: the emergency care clinic has been established dealing with emergencies and empowering local workforce. Moreover, mobile health units, outreach and vaccination have been very fruitful and seem to be one of the best avenues for Oxfam to reach a very large number of people. The food and water distribution centers were also expanded, delivering sanitation tablets and food high in nutriment.


Oxfam has updated its mandates to deal with this situation and needs your support to implement these new health emergency programs.

Oxfam will build another medical emergency center which will be bigger and contain more staff. Staff will mobilize in dealing with emergency operations resulting from the armed exchanges going on in the city.  Also 2 of the 3 mobile health units will change their mandate to deal with this new sitatution of high violence in the area, providing urgent medical operations and aid. Though Oxfam is committed to longer-term development and is keeping a mobile health unit to run outreach and vaccination programs, the organization is adjusting to current conditions and targetting needs pragmatically. Oxfam is a responsible organization, in order to have the most cost-effective programs we will be updating and adjusting our current infrastructures to these new needs.

***We need your money to provide these new urgent needs effectively. Oxfam will need private and public financial support to adapt its current infrastructures and deal with the new return to hostilities in Brynania that is especially hitting Mcgilldishu****

This new situation has also made transportation extremely difficult. The French boat that was securing the delivery of aid has retreated to international waters and international organizations like Oxfam are left without resources and are dependent upon your support to deliver aid to populations in crisis. Donations have the power to secure delivery of the international aid. Please donate.

Camp 8: Conditions in camp 8 are quickly improving thanks to the presence of Oxfam. International contributions have allowed the establishment of more than 5,000 temporary houses, over 10,000 tents as well as safe areas for women and children. The training programs for patrolling have been a success and there is demand on the ground for more of these initiatives. Oxfam wants to expand its operations to building schools and increasing the worforce skills in the community of the camp. Moreover Oxfam wants to establish re-habilitation centers for people who have had traumatic experiences during the conflict. These infrastructures will have a special emphasis on women’s needs and providing resources and support for them. Especially as new urgent need are breaking into urban centers, Oxfam needs external funding to be able to continue its relief operationsi in Camp 8 and expand into community building and local empowerment activities.

Future/Expanding activities: Oxfam has new objectivites for the up-coming month. The organization wants to expand in other provinces and adress needs that have not be reached by the humanitarian effort yet. Being a neutral organisation, Oxfam believes it must take heed of the information and warnings Zaharian groups have been sending the international community and provide more protection and relief to their populations equally. 
Oxfam intends to initiate projects in Biku and Camp 9, both key strategic areas. Oxfam is currently drafting the exact break down of its programs in these two regions. Camp 9 is particularily suffering from overcrowding and the two sites are lacking international aid presence. If Oxfam receives enough support, it could effectively provide emergency services such as food and water provision and medical services to more than 120,000 people.Given recent movements of IDPs within the country as well as the violence happening in Mcgilldishu right now, it is likely that these numbers swell, making the presence of Oxfam even more crucial.
Moreover, these deployments will show the international community’s good will to all parties of the conflict and will ease frustrations and work in the direction of peace. Both are South of Hamraville and Oxfam will be able to access these areas safely with the help of GoB.
***Oxfam needs financial support to send field assessment missions and start the implementation of much needed operations in these 2 sites. It is crucial to reach the entire Brynanian population equally and neutrally. ***

Oxfam also needs your continuous support to continue its advocacy to local and international governments for more social protection on the behalf of vulnerable and suffering populations affected by the conflict.

We believe that through these actions there is a distinct window of opportunity to ensure durable peace in Brynania.

Please act responsibly and donate generously.

Contact and donation, email:
Chloe Silvestre

Oxfam is an international organization committed to providing immediate y relief to the urgent needs of people in conflict areas around the world. The organization works to find lasting and sustainable solutions to alleviate injustice through the empowerment of local communities.

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