Tuesday 22 March 2011

OXFAM Brynanian Mission Starting March 12th 2011

The long civil war in Brynania may now be nearer a settlement than at any other point in the past decade. Although a temporary ceasefire is in place and the UN SG has appointed a SRSG to mediate a permanent end to hostilities, the situation on the ground is critical.

The war has created massive humanitarian need in the country, and massive damage to social and economic infrastructure. According to UNHCR estimates, some 500,000 refugees could be found in neighbouring countries, about half of them residing in refugee camps. A further 1 million persons may be internally displaced.

Given OXFAM's expertise in international development as well as experience is supporting relief-to-development transitions, an OXFAM mission will be deployed in Brynania and its borders..  OXFAM will come  in aid to the populations of Brynania, through devivery of food, water, sanitation, shelter and as well as other immediate needs. OXFAM will be running operations starting March 12th 2011.

For donations, e-mail: oxfam-hq.sim@mail.mcgill.ca

OXFAM Headquarters

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